Wednesday, December 30, 2020

December 30, 2020

December 30, 2020 

As the year winds down this is usually a time I look over the past year and set some goals for the coming new year. But this year is different. I already did a postmortem on 2020 back in June when it was clear the pandemic made most of my goals impossible. Travel, dinner parties, and museum visits were on indefinite hold. 

Looking forward, even with the optimism of a vaccine in distribution and a regime change in Washington, it’s still hard to pick some goals/activities I’d like to accomplish next year. Even the seemingly easy ones like “read X number of books” is hard since I couldn’t even get motivated enough to read all that much last year. 

Perhaps I’ll revisit this in January. In the meantime I’ll try to come up with something concrete and doable - see my friends again, host a dinner party, take a trip somewhere - I’d love to do those, but I need something to focus on till they can occupy my to-do list.