Tuesday, May 12, 2020

May 12, 2020

May 12, 2020 

This morning we got a surprise visit from a friend on her way to pick up her order at the Beer Lab, our local, brewery bakery, and now general store in that old-timey sense of having supplies like flour, yeast, and rye. We briefly chatted from our porch, probably maintaining a good 20’ feet between us. It was great to see her, but also strangely awkward - no invitation to come in for a cup of coffee. No real privacy either as other people walking down the street unknowingly intruded on our conversation. It’s hard not to be able to have any intimacy with our friends. 

In the evening I walked our dogs and must have easily encountered 20 or more people, walking down the street. No more than 3 wore masks - and while I understand they aren’t required for exercise or walking dogs, fewer than half made an effort to maintain a minimum 6 foot distance as they passed me. I feel judged, but I’m also judging others. I’m resentful of the strangers who approach me, when I can’t approach my friends. 

Word is out that for us in LA County, this will likely continue through July. Seeing the numbers, I have to say that’s likely and more over the right thing to do. I’m still privileged to have my job which will probably continue through this extended confinement. However, I’m still hoping to find some opportunities, to find ways of sharing intimacy with our friends even as we remain apart.

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