Friday, March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020 

There’s a meme out there about being kind, because you never know what other people are going through - it seems right now everyone is going through something - cancelled plans, lost work, disrupted lives in so many ways. It’s almost safe to assume there is a sort of global suffering going on right now, a suffering that makes kindness stand out as an imperative. 

Lisa remains in the hospital in isolation. I got to talk to her this morning, on our phones, separated by a pane of glass. The staff is struggling to work out the details of this process as we struggle to understand it ourselves. We both remain kind in the hopes we are setting precedents - that we will get through it together, and be better people for it, recognizing our humanity and vulnerability. 

As all this started to unfold, I wondered how we can keep our community as we slip into our own isolation. Today, I saw several videos of the people of Italy under lockdown joining in song on balconies and window ledges, and it made me hopeful again for what we can accomplish together. If you haven’t seen it, you must seek it out especially if you are feeling overwhelmed by the suffering. May we remember this after the suffering passes.

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