Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 24, 2020

March 24, 2020 

We hit the CVS and Albertsons today - still no sign of toilet paper. The longer this continues the likelier I’ll be joining the ranks of the hoarders. 

Also today I encountered way more people on my dog walk than ever before. Families, kids, couples, even the folks that just usually let their dogs out in the yard. The outdoors have become more compelling - as long as 6 feet of distance is maintained between wandering parties. 

There are fears of economic collapse and yet in spending as much of not more on most everything - even supporting the local restaurants by getting To-go orders. I’m not spending money on gas, on transportation, on shows - of those it’s the artists that are worst off, but in the interim I’ve been trying to buy small pieces, send contributions when I can. I won’t be traveling, that’s where I’m mostly not spending money - so is that the economy we hope to save? I’m lucky to still be working, so I don’t mean to make light of this but can we get by thinking a little differently about what we value, and where our money goes. 

 I’m also thinking about tribalism. I posted an article about the conflict between the individual and the collective and how it has shaped our politics, but as people have responded about how they are focusing more on being more “individualistic” they all mention a larger group that those notions include. It may be limited like to close family or friends - but even when we think we are thinking only of ourselves, we seem to include others. Perhaps the point in between is our personal tribes, the groups we identify with. They could be race, religion, or political affiliation - but can also be favorite films, a sports franchise, a cell phone brand. We define ourselves by the groups we belong to - our collective individuality. Diversity is required if we hope to be unique. And diversity is required if the collective is to survive. More rambling for another time.

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